Saturday, October 15, 2011

YaYa & Bopee

Look at this fun Hop Scotch that Yaya & Beeba brought me!!! It is so fun and has a lady bug on it. YaYa and I are besties already and Bopee sure is trying. He has this little man that lives in his fingers and I am not sure how I feel about that. Bopee is going to work with Daddy so each morning I announce "Daddy WORK and Bopee WORK". While they were working Yaya, Aunt Lindsay and I went to the zoo. Uncle Dylan comes over every night now while they are visiting and I give him hugs and kisses and high fives. Not all at once! It is nice to have Aunt Lindsay over each day too, what a treat! Also I visited my old nursery school and saw Jenny. Mommy explained that we were going where I was when I was a baby and sure enough they still had my picture up in the infant room. I warmed right up to Jenny and gave her hugs and kisses. I hadn't  seen her in 6 months! It really made her day and I will go back soon to visit again. 

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