Friday, October 14, 2011

Learning my colors and testing Daddy's patience.

YaYa and Beeba have just arrived for their visit! But more on that later....Daddy and I have been practicing for months now learning our colors. He gives me a color and I put the card in the right pile. I am a pro now at colors. Purple was one of the first ones I got, but now I know white, red, green, blue, and yellow and sometimes orange. You may also notice the block tower that Daddy built. He is very good at building towers with blocks and he spends a lot of time making them. They are so tall and vulnerable looking. He looks at me sternly and says "Do not touch, this is Daddy's tower". And I am supposed to play with different blocks and leave his alone. But I just can't. I can't. I can't. I try hard for a few seconds but that is the longest I can last before I just have to knock them over. Daddy gets really mad, not even this is kindof funny mad, but actually mad. I got a time out for not listening. Speaking of time outs, I have been getting quite a few of them lately. For coloring on Jack or standing on Jack or coloring on the floor or hitting or biting....I have found lots of ways to earn a time out. I kind of like it. When I hit I immediately know that I did something naughty so I say  "SIT?" and then I run to my spot. Then Mommy explains why I am there and at the end I say "Soweey" and I give a hug. Mommy and Daddy discovered I was enjoying time out a bit too much so the last time I was put up in my crib instead. And MAN did I not like that one bit and I screamed the whole time. Mommy and Daddy seemed satisfied. 

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