Monday, September 12, 2011


Boy oh boy do I LOVE my weekends with Mommy & Daddy. On Friday Mommy strollered all the way to daycare with Jack to pick me up and we strollered all the way home. It was a great way to kick off the weekend.

My new obsession is the playground. I call it "weeee" - appropriately named for the sound I make when I go down the slides. Now when Mommy and Daddy pick me up from daycare I say "no home. no home. wee? wee?" I just love being at the playground and could stay all day. In fact, when I am told it is time to go I get very steamed and can make quite the spectacle. The best way to get me to leave without creating a scene is to promise me a yummy snack when I get home. I refer to all meals and snacks as "yummies".

This weekend Mommy took me to the playground and I am so daring and brave that before Mommy could stop me I flew down the slide head first. It was terrific! I tried to do it again but Mommy told me I had to go down feet first on my bottom. Boooooooring.

When I got home Daddy took me to the book store so I could play with the choo choo trains and he bought me a tea set. That afternoon Daddy went to work and Jack was a good baby and slept quietly so Mommy and I could play. We played outside for hours! I drove in my car to get "coffee" for Mommy, I played with my tea set, I went on walks and picked up rocks, I colored on the cement, I scolded the bees and told them
OUT OUT" even though they are out...then on Sunday Daddy and I had my first swim lesson!! I practiced kicking and blowing bubbles and laying on my back. But I hated laying on my back so I pretty much just watched other kids try it.

To update you on all my stats: I am 26 lbs now and 32 inches tall. My canine teeth are coming in. I love to "brush" my teeth, i.e. suck on my toothbrush, I stroller around my baby and my new dolly Abby and am very affectionate with them. I still love trucks and choo choo trains and when I say truck it unfortunately sounds a lot like something else. I am a super climber and a super eater and I am putting together more and more words: "night night" "love you" "yellow sun" "bye bye Daddy" "Claire's ice water" and on and on. Every day it seems that I have more and more words and it is hard to keep track!

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