Friday, July 22, 2011

Jack's1st days at home

Mommy and Daddy brought Jack home and I hardly notice him at all. He sleeps all day and all night and barely ever opens his eyes. He is so good and sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches and Mommy has to wake him up sometimes to feed him. He sleeps in the laundry basket that I slept in as a baby. Mommy and Daddy are already so in love with him. I am happy that he is always asleep because Mommy and Daddy can still spend lots of time with me. Our neighbor Rebecca is so nice - she brought us all dinner to celebrate Jack's Arrival home - it was a feast and Uncle Dylan tied a balloon to our mailbox so everybody would know we are welcoming a new baby, and Chris and Dylan came over to smoke a cigar with Daddy.

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