Sunday, November 7, 2010

Play Time!!

This morning we met Aunt Lindsay and Allie and Charlie and Bailey at the children's gym. I had never been before, but I think I will go back there every day if I can. I had so much fun - there was so much to climb on and lots of other kiddos running around. It was pretty close to my new house so that will be perfect! 

Today we went over to the new house and met our future neighbors. My neighbors are two twin 13 year old girls. They have an in ground pool and said I can come swimming any day! They also look like they will be great baby sitters. They said that in the other house next door there is a woman that is 4 months pregnant with her first baby, so maybe that baby will play with me next year. I definately think that my new neighbors will be much more fun than the neighbors I have now.

In other news, I recently had my 9 month check up. I am 9 and a half months now, so we were a little late. I am 28" tall, I weigh 20lbs, and my head is 17.25". I am on the 90th% for weight, 50th% for head, and 60th% for height. I used to be in the 90th% for height, but I guess I have stopped growing up and am focusing more on growing out. My top two teeth are going to come in soon. You can see that my gums are swollen - maybe by Christmas. I hold onto things so I can stand, sometimes I let go and stand with no hands for a few seconds to show off. I can walk if I can push things I am holding onto - like a walker....but mostly I just stand or crawl or dance. I can eat any food now - berries, peanut butter, meats...everything except for milk. So I have been trying lots of new things and feeding myself with my fingers. I miss my mouth a lot and make a big mess but Lucy sits under me and cleans up what I drop. I am also sleeping through the night now. Mommy and Daddy figured out that if they would just leave me alone and stop coming in my room that I would sleep through. I tried to tell them, but they decided to try months of no sleep first. They are happy they finally figured that out.

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