Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Friends

I am super busy these days. I am crawling on hands and knees now, no more scooching! Scooching is for babies. I am standing most of the time now, my balance is getting really great. Sometimes I can almost stand with no hands!! I like to show off. I am making lots of friends at daycare. When I arrive in the morning the toddlers are in the same room as me waiting for their teacher. They get excited to see me because I am usually the first baby to join them. I am always a little sad when Becky takes me in the morning from Mommy - she smokes and smells bad and I am not crazy about her. But luckily for me she leaves at 7 so I only have to deal with her for a few minutes. I squirm and cry when she carries me away from Mommy and the toddlers try to make me feel better by bringing me gifts. Today one boy brought me a book to chew on and another girl brought me a baby doll to squeeze. I felt better right away. I quickly forgot about Mommy and was just happy to play. In the last month I have started to be more shy around certain people. Sometimes it makes sense because they are strangers who want to hold me and I want none of that! But other times I am weary of people who love me like Uncle Dylan. I like to stare at him from a distance because I am very curious about him. He is very sweet and doesn't push his luck with me. I am sure I will get over myself soon.

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